Our sixth annual calendar is in full swing and we can't wait to see all of the awesome entries! Each year we're so AMAZED at our participants' generosity and all the cute Boxers out there. So in honor of our sixth year, we've decided to share some helpful tips to ensure all our participants have the tools they need to be one of our "top dogs" in our 2021 calendar!
1. Get Your Dog Used To Your Camera Or Cellphone
Don’t be afraid to put the camera on the coffee table. Let them sniff it . . . Make sure your pup feels safe and at ease is the key to drawing out their true character.
2. Plan Your Shot List
Taking the time to plan your shoot and the images you can see in your mind's eye is useful. Think about what you want- a zen dog (eyes closed), a high five, one looking in the distance, a free style leap in the air to catch a frisbee, a drooly smile etc.
Photographs tell stories, and by doing a bit of planning ahead you're more likely to make your pup's session a positive and fun experience and you'll be able to capture that EPIC pic!
3. Be Aware Of Your Surroundings
There’s nothing worse than a cute dog pic that has a garbage can or an unmade bed in the background. Simple, minimalist backgrounds, like a white sandy beach or green trees, make your dog stand out.
For best pics highlight your boxer in all their loving, inquisitive, and adorable glory. No humans or copyright photos please.
4. Use Natural Lighting
Cloudy days are ideal for photographing your pet outdoors. Who knew?! Overcast lighting is consistent and even, creates perfect soft shadows, and allows dogs with darker coats to look their best.
5. Keep Treats Handy
Dogs love to be rewarded for good behavior, so give your wiggly loved one a special treat or two during your photo sesh.
6. Get On Their Level
Stoop down - even lie on the floor so you can snap pictures from the dog’s perspective rather than a “human perspective” and it will be much more appealing to the viewer.

7. Enlist Help
A friend with a squeaky toy, whistle or treat will come in handy if you want a head-on shot or that cute head tilt.
8. Get Creative And Playful
Photograph your dog head on, in profile, at 45-degree angles. Or get them to give you that big goofy grin by having a quick 5-minute play session.
9. Snap Some Action Shots
Boxers are always up for having fun - play Frisbee or fetch and catch them running back to you. Or how about capturing that moment when your dog takes a swig from the hose, runs through the sprinkler, or shakes water off?! Great action shots can be amazing with a fast shutter speed, sports or burst modes. If using a newer iPhone, simply hold the camera button down for multiple action shots.
10. Include A Photo Description
Photo descriptions are important because they keep our calendar as accessible as possible. Please provide the following for all submissions, and include your name, email, the name(s) of the dog(s), location, and where you found us. Example of a photo description:
Dog Name: Winnie
Location: Port Angeles, WA
Pet Parent: Nikki Robertson
Email: nikkir@gmail.com
Where You Found Us: Email, Facebook, Google, Instagram, Twitter, Website

Have fun fueling the love by taking awesome photos of your dog! And thanks in advance for helping us raise funds for our life-changing mission! Don’t forget to encourage your Boxer community to enter by emailing Lillian at mlbrcalendar@comcast.net and attaching their photos.
Dogless? No worries, you can still get in on the action with a sponsorship, tribute or banner ad. Simply click here to purchase.